No, I haven't forgotten my blog. This is the busy time of year for me. My work keeps me busy for 10 - 12 hours a day at this time of the year. Things won't slow down until some time in December.
I haven't had time to do much of anything but work and sleep. No time even for garage sales. What a bummer. I haven't even had time to keep up with my Etsy store. Hopefully I will be blogging again and going to garage sales again in December.
Don't give up on me, but check again in a couple of months. Until then, may all of my followers find plenty of great bargains to brag about.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Welcome New Followers
This post is a great big WELCOME to all of my new followers. Blogmania was a huge success. Unfortunately, I can't welcome each of you individually. I hope you will continue to read my blog. I have been a little lax in my posting in the recent month. I work full-time and this is the busy time of the year for my line of work.
Here's hoping I will still be able to find time to find treasures to add to my stash and blog about them. In the meantime, I enjoy reading about all of the great deals and treasures ya'll are finding. Keep it up.
Here's hoping I will still be able to find time to find treasures to add to my stash and blog about them. In the meantime, I enjoy reading about all of the great deals and treasures ya'll are finding. Keep it up.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Blogmania Winners
WOW! I had 441 comments posted for my Blogmania give-away.
My winner list is ready to be announced. All winners have 48 hours to contact me. If I don't hear from you within that time frame, I will have to draw another winner. And the winners are:
Apron 1- Benita
Apron 2- Jann S.
Apron 3- Out Little Gang
Apron 4- Katie M.
Congratulations to all of this winners.
My winner list is ready to be announced. All winners have 48 hours to contact me. If I don't hear from you within that time frame, I will have to draw another winner. And the winners are:
Apron 1- Benita
Apron 2- Jann S.
Apron 3- Out Little Gang
Apron 4- Katie M.
Congratulations to all of this winners.
Blogmania winners
Friday, September 17, 2010
Blogmania Is Closed
Whew!! It has been a crazy 2 days. Lots & lots of blogging activity. I want to thank everyone who left comments. And a great big WELCOME to all of my new blog followers.
I hope to have the winner's list up soon. Good luck to everyone who participated.
I hope to have the winner's list up soon. Good luck to everyone who participated.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Blogmania Give-Away
Greetings fellow bloggers!! Are your typing fingers tired yet??? Aren't give-aways fun!!
As you know, this Blogmania event only last for 48 hours starting at 12:01am EST. So get busy if you want to visit all of the blogs that are participating in this event. There are 168 blogs to visit.
I am giving away 4 different aprons. Each apron has a retail value of $25.00. Four different visitors will have a chance to win an apron.
All of the aprons are classic vintage design just like Grandma wore. The A-line shape compliments any loveable, huggable fugure. Each apron ties around the neck and also at the back of the waist for a perfect fit. There are 2 front pockets that open at the top, perfect for a spoon, a tissue, or even a cell phone. 100% cotton and machine washable. One size fits most. 31" tall X 25" wide at the waist.
Here are the pictures of my prizes:
Apron 1 features a cream colored fabric with tiny red, blue, yellow, and green flowers. The trim is cream as well.
Apron 2 is cream colored with bunches of red, pink, and yellow flowers with green leaves and also little blue single flowers.
Apron 3 is cream colored with a light red checkered pattern. Light blue flowers are peppered all over the tiny checks.
Apron 4 is dusty mauve covered in large cream colored flowers with blue centers.
To be the proud owner of one of the beautiful aprons by Moda, simply leave a comment stating which apron you would like to have. Leave an email address and country you live in. I would love to have you as a follower, but that isn't necessary to be a winner.
If you are a winner, you will be notified and your apron will be shipped on Monday, September 20.
The master list of all the Blogmania give-aways is located here.
If you don't see my comment box, please click on the post title and the comment box will magically appear.
If you don't see my comment box, please click on the post title and the comment box will magically appear.
Freebies on Blogmania
I am so sorry that I haven't blogged in several weeks. It has really been busy around here. As usual, work is interfering in my blogging and thrifting!!
I have made a few garage sales and snagged a few bargains, but didn't get a chance to take pictures. I hope I can post about some of the items later.
The main reason for this post is to alert all of you about a wonderful blogging event that starts at 12:01 am EST tonight. Blognmania will last for only 48 hours. There are 168 bloggers that are giving away prizes. Don't miss out on this wonderful event. I am participating and am giving away 4 aprons. The aprons were not handcrafted by me, but are Moda aprons. Each have a value of $25.00. There will be 4 lucky winners.
Please check tomorrow's blog for pictures and the master list of all the Blogmania participants.
I have made a few garage sales and snagged a few bargains, but didn't get a chance to take pictures. I hope I can post about some of the items later.
The main reason for this post is to alert all of you about a wonderful blogging event that starts at 12:01 am EST tonight. Blognmania will last for only 48 hours. There are 168 bloggers that are giving away prizes. Don't miss out on this wonderful event. I am participating and am giving away 4 aprons. The aprons were not handcrafted by me, but are Moda aprons. Each have a value of $25.00. There will be 4 lucky winners.
Please check tomorrow's blog for pictures and the master list of all the Blogmania participants.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
My Mother Colors My Life
This will be my weeklly contribution to the Colorcraze My Sunday blog. Lynda requests that we showcase something or someone that colors our life. I am continuing in the family mode. This week I am featuring my Mother.
My Mother is a wonderful lady. She turned 90 years old this past June. She lives by herself and still drives herself evrywhere, except at night. She is a breast cancer survivor. This little lady probably doesn't weigh 90lbs, but she can keep up with anyone almost half her age. She is out and about 5 days a week in her ministry work helping people understand the Bible. I truly believe that her being so active is what keeps her so healthy. I keep telling her that she is going to out-live all of us!
This picture was taken a couple of years ago at a family get-together celebrating my brother's graduation from college. My brother went back to college in his 50's, graduated, and is now a colleger professor, but that is another story for another blog.
Now this is the picture that is going to get me in trouble if my Mother ever finds out I posted it. Let this one be our little secret. This picture show to me what a little spit-fire my Mother is. You just never know what she is gonna do or say. She was hamming it up for the camera at a baby shower for my son and daughter-in-law. I treasure this picture above all others because it shows her fun side.
Please let us know what colors your life and link up to:
Friday, August 20, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
Sam's Gift Certificate
Hey fellow bloggers--Would you like to win a Sam's $25.00 gift certificate---then head on over to The Thrifty Groove and follow her instructions. Wouldn't any thrifty-minded gal love $25.00 to spend at Sam's?? ? You can bet that I have already registered.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
What Colors My World
Lynda over at Colorcrazed has started a new Sunday blog party. She wants to know what has colored our week. I think of it as something that has added a little color or joy to our week. She wants us to add a picture of what has added color to our week.
For my first post to her blog party I am including pictures of my 2-year old grandson, Gavin. He not only added extra color to my week, he has added extra color to my entire life. Gavin came along at a particularly low point in my life. I can't even begin to tell you how my outlook on life changed when he entered my world. Thank-you Christopher and Veronica for this precious little guy. Oh boy--the tears are flowing and I promised myself that I wouldn't cry.
For my first post to her blog party I am including pictures of my 2-year old grandson, Gavin. He not only added extra color to my week, he has added extra color to my entire life. Gavin came along at a particularly low point in my life. I can't even begin to tell you how my outlook on life changed when he entered my world. Thank-you Christopher and Veronica for this precious little guy. Oh boy--the tears are flowing and I promised myself that I wouldn't cry.
I treasure this picture above all others. This is the first time I held Gavin in my arms. He was less than an hour old in this pictue. Notice how alert he is and believe me, he is the same today.
This is Gavin yesterday. How can you not love that smile??? And this picture was taken by his Dad after we had been visiting garage sales all morning in 90+ degree weather. He is almost always this happy. Wouldn't a smile like that add color to anyone's life!!!
This picture was taken at the same time as the previous one. Now that is the "little monkey" that his Granny knows and loves.
I hope these pictures of my precious grandson have added a little color to your day. Now hop on over to Colorcrazed and check on the blog party.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Garage Sale Bliss-Part 2
Ok-here are the pictures of the garage sale I went to on the way home from work. It was way out in the boonies. I thought I was never going to get there. Thank goodness for my GPS. Actually this sale started yesterday, but I just couldn't make it. Work can sure interfere with my thrifting.(LOL) And I really, really, really wanted to go to this sale on the first day. The ad said they had lots of fabric and sewing notions. I'm a sewer and you can never have too much fabric and notions. Anyway, I still found enough to buy and at half off. WAHOO! She only had a few sewing patterns in a box and when I asked about vintage patterns she told me that there were boxes full the first day. I almost cried. See, I told you work was interfering with my garage sales. Anyway, here are some pictures of what I was able to find.
Here is an overall view of what I bought. The roll of paper on the left is tissue paper--great for tracing patterns and was only $0.50. The top shelf has an apron pattern and a new package of tracing paper for $0.12 each. Also on the shelf are a bunch of new sewing notions. Some were $0.50 and some were $0.12. On the right of the stand is a large new quilting ruler for $0.50. On the bottom shelf and on the floor is fabric. Each piece was only $0.50. There is over a yard of the cute ladybugs and I think that will be an apron. The piece of unbleached muslin had almost 6 yards in it. The piece on the floor has cartoon people exercising, but it is cut weird, but I still think an apron can be made from it.
I'm not even sure what the name of some of these wooden notions are. The wooden piece in the front is a June Tailor Point Presser and Clapper. It was only $1.25 and is new. The piece on the top is a larger version. It is new, but not marked June Tailor. It was also $1.25. I believe the other piece is called a sleeve board. I have been wanting one for a long time. It is also new and was $1.50. It was definitely worth the drive.
I did make a couple of other garage sales before I went to work. They weren't as exciting, but you may be interested anyway. Here is what I bought.
This is just the over all view. All displayed on my wonderful 3 shelf stand.
Draped over the top and not showing up very well are 2 pieces of co-ordinating Moda fabric. They each have 2 yards in them and were $2.00 each. Aprons for sure. The flash cards are for my grandson. He just turned 2 years old, so they may be put away for a few months. The flash cards were $0.25 each. Also on the shelf and not showing up very well is a vintage, silver-plated tape dispenser. It was $0.75. The next shelf holds a wooden puzzle featuring cars. It was $0.50
I don't even know what to call the colorful thingie on the floor. All I know is that kids love to play with them. It seems that every pediatrician's office has a similar one. I paid $2.00 for this one. The little red shelf looks to be hand made. I think it is a letter holder. It is going to look great in my red kitchen and was only $0.50.
OK ladies, I think that is it!! Did I have a good Friday or what??? I hope you read part 1 of this post. Now I am going to read the garage sale ads for tomorrow and see if there is anything promising. My son called just a few minutes ago and asked if his family could go with me. I'm gonna make good garage salers out of them yet. After today, tomorrow just has to be a let-down. I can't imagine 2 good garage sale days in a row. I not sure my wallet is ready for another good day.
If my comment box is missing, just click on the title of this post and it will magically appear.
garage sale
Garage Sale Bliss-Part 1
OK gals, I'm gonna have to do this in 2 parts because I found another good garage sale after work. I am a horrible photographer, so bear with me. Also, I don't set up cute, creative shots. Well here goes-----

This is just a quick grouping of some of the things from the great garage sale. The 3-shelf stand came from the sale. It is in perfect condition and was only $5.00. The color is forest green. Love it!
The vintage tree shoes were $1.00. The milk glass vase and planter were $0.25 each. The planter is marked Fenton, but I can't quite make out what the vase says. I think it is marked Goody. The cut glass vase and the little green glass pitcher or vase were $0.25 each. Are you lovin' it?
The next shelf has a vintage nut grinder. I haven't seen this style before and was only $0.25. The cut glass divided trays were $0.50 each. On the next shelf is a cast iron rooster napkin holder for $0.25. The vintage lamp is marked rorirame(I think)and has a floral bouquet and japan under that. I'm gonna have to research that one. Does anyone out there have any ideas? The lamp doesn't have a shade and the cord is original and frayed and will have to be replaced. The next item is a vintage glass 3# Peter Pan peanut butter jar filled with old buttons and was only $1.00.
The next grouping shows a Nasco stainless steel gravy boat in it's original box and never used. It was just $1.00. An egg slicer for a nickel was a great bargain. The silver plated salad tongs are still in their original wrappings inside the box-never used and only $0.50. This picture shows the nut grinder and the divided glass trays a little better. Want to see some more goodies--here goes!!
This isn't a very clear picture, but I'll do some close-ups for you.
This hat box had 3 vintage hats in it. The pink one looks almost like needle-point is has an Oleg Cassini label in it. The black on on the right is made of curly lamb and has a Howard Smith Furs label. The hats were $1.00 each and the hat box was free.
These 2 hats were also $1.00 each. The one on the left looks almost like a top hat. The hat box was free.

This hat looks like an equestrian hat. It was also $1.00 and the hat box was free. I really didn't need more vintage hats. I already own over 30 of them. But only $1.00 each--what's a girl to do!!
Now we will start on the linens. Wait a minute--I forgot the cute vintage pearl purse in the picture. It was on $0.50..I also have a very large vintage purse collection. The stack of linens in the picture are all cut-work or eyelet table runners except for the little round cut-work doily on top. The table runners were only $0.50 each and I think there are 6 of them. The little doily was only $0.25.
The tablecloth in the middle is linen and is huge and oblong. All 4 corners feature cut-work. It came with 8 napkins and the whole set was only $3.00. On to the next picture.
This cute vintage tablecloth is in almost perfect condition and was only $0.25. In fact, the lady having the garage sale had it covering her check-out table. We had to unload the whole table so I could have it. Nice lady!
And last but not least is another tablecloth in perfect condition for only $0.25. The color is actually a lighter gold, almost yellow.
What I didn't show you were 3 sets of twin sheets for $0.50 each.
Whew-- my fingers are tired typing. And you are probably tired reading. Get up, stretch you legs, and get something to drink. I will be posting part 2 in a few minutes
I will be linking this post to the Southern Hospitality blog for the Thrify Treasures party. Check it out.
I am also linking up with the Apron Thrift Girl and Thrift Share Monday.
Please check out the thrify buys at Coastal Charm for Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays.
If my comment box is missing, just click on the titleof this post and it will magically appear..
garage sale
Garage Sale Bliss
Oh my goodness, what a garage sale I went to this morning before work. It took me 4 trips to my car with my treasures. And CHEAP--I could not believe the prices, especially for this area. Now if I didn't have to deal with dealers and their pushy ways, the sale would have been perfect. The lady having the sale was giving it for her mother who is in an assisted living facility. She had obviously never had a garage sale before or perhaps never even been to one.
I don't have any pictures yet. I had to go to work, so all of those goodies are just sitting in my car silently calling to me. I spent 29.50, but remember that was for 4 trips worth of goodies.
It's a good thing I don't have room in my home for any more furniture. She had some beautiful pieces, mint condition, and cheap prices.
More on this later---I really must concentrate on work.
I don't have any pictures yet. I had to go to work, so all of those goodies are just sitting in my car silently calling to me. I spent 29.50, but remember that was for 4 trips worth of goodies.
It's a good thing I don't have room in my home for any more furniture. She had some beautiful pieces, mint condition, and cheap prices.
More on this later---I really must concentrate on work.
garage sale
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Vintage Thingie Thursday
I have come up a little short this week for pics to post for VTT. I found some really good deals this past week-end, but nothing that I would classify as vintage. So I have resorted to past finds that I have in my kitchen. My corner cabinet has random items that I have collected over the past years or that I received when my Mother-in-law passed away. They are NOT displayed cutely or anything like that---my talents don't extend that far. The items have simply been placed on the shelves and left that way. I still enjoy looking at them no matter how they are or aren't arranged.
I am also posting pics of some of the things in my hoosier cabinet. And NO, I did not paint it green. That is the color it was when I purchased it several years ago at an antique auction. It really doesn't match my red and black kitchen, but it's old and chippy and I decided to leave well enough alone.
I will be linking to Vintage Thingie Thursday. Please hop on over to her blog and check out what other thrifters found this week.
I am also linking to Debbiedoos Garage Salen Party. Please visit her and find out what other garage salers found this week.
My COMMENT box had never worked for some strange reason. If you will click on the title of this post a comment box will magically appear. Please leave a comment--I love to read them.
I am also posting pics of some of the things in my hoosier cabinet. And NO, I did not paint it green. That is the color it was when I purchased it several years ago at an antique auction. It really doesn't match my red and black kitchen, but it's old and chippy and I decided to leave well enough alone.
I will be linking to Vintage Thingie Thursday. Please hop on over to her blog and check out what other thrifters found this week.
I am also linking to Debbiedoos Garage Salen Party. Please visit her and find out what other garage salers found this week.
My COMMENT box had never worked for some strange reason. If you will click on the title of this post a comment box will magically appear. Please leave a comment--I love to read them.
vintage thingie thursday
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Garage sale Saturday
The whole family hit the road at 6:30 for a morning of garage sales. It is unusual to have the whole family with me. My husband is on the swing shift this week, so he could go with us. We had quite a car full with my son, daughter-in-law , my 2-year old grandson and my DH. I actually did pretty good today. I didn't get pictures of everything, but I have a few to show you. At our first stop of the morning I got 3 paperbacks for my DH and a magnet for my daughter-in-law. Not much happening at that sale and I didn't get any pictures of the purchases.
I did a little better at the next garage sale. I got a 3 yard+ piece of fabric that is destined to become aprons and I only payed $2.00 for it. I also got 3 bolts of eyelet lace for $2.00 each. I don't know how much is on each bolt, but it looks like a lot. WAHOO!!
I did a little better at the next garage sale. I got a 3 yard+ piece of fabric that is destined to become aprons and I only payed $2.00 for it. I also got 3 bolts of eyelet lace for $2.00 each. I don't know how much is on each bolt, but it looks like a lot. WAHOO!!
Then we made a few sales that thought very highly of their stuff. I can't understand why people think that someone is going to pay almost new prices for their "junk". There were even a few that we just did a "drive-by" on. The "drive-bys" upset my grandson. He thinks that we ought to stop at every garage sale we go by. He also gets upset if we don't stay long enough at a sale.
Speaking of "drive bys", the sale that I scored the best for myself was almost a "drive by". All I could see were clothes, but it was in a very upscale area, so I said "Why Not" and boy am I glad I decide to stop. One of the ladies was just my size. I got 3 very expensive suits. She said she had purchased them to go job hunting . Two of the suits, the cream one and the pink one were like new. The navy suit still had the tags on it. The navy suit has 4 pieces, the jacket, skirt, shell, and slacks. Now the best part, only $5.00 for each suit. I did my little happy dance when I got back to the car.
The last sale of the day was the best. I didn't get anything for myself, but we still scored big time. My husband got a box of fishing lures for $10.00. I didn't get a picture of them. He put them in his tackle box as soon as he got home and I don't know which is which. As we were starting to leave the sale, my son ask me if I had seen the scuba gear. "What scuba gear?"says I. He takes me over to this huge black bag and unzips it. Now I never even saw the huge thing and certainly wouldn't have unzipped it even if I had seen it. Both of my brothers are avid scuba divers. As you will see in my pictures, there was a lotta gear in that bag. I ask the lady what she wanted for all of it and was shocked when she said $40.00. Now I don't know anything about scuba gear, but I know the bag itself had to be worth more than that. So I got on the cell phone to my brother in Austin and told him what I was looking at and ask if the price was right. Of course, I never thought to use my phone to send him pics. He said to go for it, so I told my husband to go make a deal. We came home with a trunk full of scuba gear for $35.00.
So the trunk is full of goodies and now its time for Double Dave's for the pizza buffet. All this bargain shopping makes this Texas gal hungry!!!
I am linking this post to Apron Thrift Girl. Hop on over to her blog to see what fellow thrifters found over the week-end.
This post is also linked to COASTAL CHARM and her Nifty Thrifty Party. Check out what other thrifters found this week-end.
I am linking this post to Apron Thrift Girl. Hop on over to her blog to see what fellow thrifters found over the week-end.
This post is also linked to COASTAL CHARM and her Nifty Thrifty Party. Check out what other thrifters found this week-end.
Well, I thought my comment box had returned from cyberspace, but its gone again. To comment, please click on the title of this post and the comment box will magically appear. Thanks for taking the extra time to comment.
garage sale
Garage Sale Friday
The garage sales Friday were Ok, but not great. I only made a few. At the first one I got 2 books for my grandson. I also got a thermal underwear top and bottom, new in the package, for my DH. It's hard to think thermal when it's over 100 degrees. But then you buy them as you find them.
At next garage sale I found a sweater and a shirt for me at $2.00 each. Not pictured are 3 bags of buttons for 25 cents each. I also got 10 hankies at 5 cents each. I can see them as pockets on aprons. My best find at this sale were the bedding samples. I am thinking reversible aprons. Each sample already has the co-ordinating fabric stitched together and trimmed with matching cording. I think I can add a waistband , ties and a pocket and I will have a reversible apron. The great part is that they were only 10 cents each. She only had 9 of them, but I would have gladly taken more.

The last garage sale of the morning was at a local high school and was sponsored by one of the cheer groups. It was packed out. Lots and lots of clothes, but almost all were just piled on long tables and I didn't feel like fighting the crowd. In the toy room, I did find the cute Playskool vacuum for my grandson. It was only 25 cents and is so cute. It talks and rolls its eyes when pushed. My grandson just turned 2 and is fascinated by brooms, mops, and anything to do with cleaning. We tease him that his dream job when he grows up is to be a janitor. I also found a new bottle of Estee Lauder Youth Dew perfume for $1.00. It is a little too heavy for me, so I think I will pass it on to someone else.
I will be out early tomorrow morning. My husband, son, daughter-in-law, and grandson will be joining me. More treasure await.
I will be adding this post to Today's Thrifty Treasures over at Southern Hospitality. Drop by her blog and see what other "treasures" were found by other bloggers.
Well, I thought my comment box had returned from cyberspace, but its gone again. To comment, please click on the title of this post and the comment box will magically appear. Thanks for taking the extra time to comment.
garage sale
Saturday, August 7, 2010
100 Ways To Hide Your Fabric Stash
I ran across this video a couple of days ago. All of the fabricaholics out there will love it. It perfectly describes my life. ENJOY!!
My comment box seems to disappeared into cyberspace. If you will click on the title of this post, the comment box will magically appear. I really appreciate all of your comments and will answer them all, so please take an extra moment and comment.
My comment box seems to disappeared into cyberspace. If you will click on the title of this post, the comment box will magically appear. I really appreciate all of your comments and will answer them all, so please take an extra moment and comment.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Etsy Shop
This has been a slow week for garage sales. I hope tomorrow or Saturday will be better. I thought I would post a few of my Etsy listings.
![]() |
I think this is one of my favorites of all the aprons I have made. |
This apron is one I made from a flour sack from a flour company that is still in business in Kansas.
Please click HERE to see this listing.
My comment box seems to have disappeared into cyberspace. I would really appreciate it if you would leave a comment. To do that please click on the title of this post and the comment box will magically appear.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Vintage Thingie Thursday
If you love all things vintage and wonderful vintage finds then head on over to The Colorado Lady and check out her Vintage Thingie Thursday. You can check out what vintage lovers from all over the blogging world found this week.
My comment box seem to be lost in cyberspace, but if you will click on the title of this post---the comment box will magically appear. Please take the extra effort and leave a comment. I would love to hear from you.
My comment box seem to be lost in cyberspace, but if you will click on the title of this post---the comment box will magically appear. Please take the extra effort and leave a comment. I would love to hear from you.
Another Great Give-Away
I have another great give-away to let you know about. The Polka Dot Closet is a beautiful blog and Carol does wonderful things with paper dolls. You just have to see to believe. She is sponsoring a great give-away for one of her followers. The prize is a vintage framed paper doll that is just as cute as can be. So hop on over to her blog and check it out.
My comment box seems to be missing--Please click on the title of this blog and it will magically appear. Please leave a comment---I would love to hear from you.
My comment box seems to be missing--Please click on the title of this blog and it will magically appear. Please leave a comment---I would love to hear from you.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
ColorCrazed Give-Away
Who doesn't love the word free!! If you love textiles, then hop on over to fiber artist Lynda's blog and take a look at what she is giving away. While you are there, look at her shop and prepare to be amazed. She makes the most gorgeous fabric mosaics that I have ever seen.
Lynda has been my friend for years and I knew she was a lady of many talents, but she has managed to amaze even me. Be sure to tell her Debbie sent you.
My comment box seems to have disappeared. Please click on the title of this post and the comment box will magically appear. Please leave a comment--I would love to hear from you.
Lynda has been my friend for years and I knew she was a lady of many talents, but she has managed to amaze even me. Be sure to tell her Debbie sent you.
My comment box seems to have disappeared. Please click on the title of this post and the comment box will magically appear. Please leave a comment--I would love to hear from you.
Lunchtime Thrifting
After a fairly good week-end of thrifting I felt motivated enough to brave the east Texas heat to visit a couple of thrift shops on my lunch hour. What a major waste of time!! Anything that was even remotely worth having was priced like they thought the shop was an antique store. To be honest, most of what I saw today should have been tossed. I mean, the clothes were worn out. I can get much better deals by catching the sales at the local department stores. Now who wouldn't prefer new as opposed to used and worn out if you can get it at the same price. That's a no-brainer for me.
Anyone who knows me is aware that I almost never pay retail for anything. I even try to get all of my groceries on sale. Unless it is an absolute necessity---milk, bread, or toilet tissue, we wait until it is on sale. That is, unless the Hubby is doing the shopping!!
If anyone a work needs something special and at a good price, I am the go-to person. The request usually starts out with-"while you are garage saling". It is a well-known fact at work that on Thursday's and Friday's I am gonna be late because of garage sales or an estate sale. My co-workers wish list at the moment includes dining chairs for someone's daughter's kitchen and a child-sized table and chairs for the photography studio. Actually, I love having specific items to look for.
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Anyone who knows me is aware that I almost never pay retail for anything. I even try to get all of my groceries on sale. Unless it is an absolute necessity---milk, bread, or toilet tissue, we wait until it is on sale. That is, unless the Hubby is doing the shopping!!
If anyone a work needs something special and at a good price, I am the go-to person. The request usually starts out with-"while you are garage saling". It is a well-known fact at work that on Thursday's and Friday's I am gonna be late because of garage sales or an estate sale. My co-workers wish list at the moment includes dining chairs for someone's daughter's kitchen and a child-sized table and chairs for the photography studio. Actually, I love having specific items to look for.
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Sunday, August 1, 2010
Thrifting Week-end
I also found 2 vintage aprons for $.50 each. At another garage sale I found 2 vintage baby quilts--one was patchwork and one was hand-embroidery. The best part is that they were only $.50 each too. Both had a few stains that I think will come out with a good Oxy soak. Neither one had any tears or holes that I have found.
I also scored 6 cookbooks for $.25 each. My grandson will get 4 cute books from his Granny and a play grill and food made by Playskool.
I really wish I had pictures to show you. I did go to Best Buy and get a new digital camera that the salesman assured me was fool-proof. (LOL) He obviously didn't know who he was dealing with. I took pictures, but can't get them off the camera. Oh well, my DH will be home soon and he can do it for me. If the pictures turn out OK, I will attempt to post them. Don't expect too much.
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garage sale
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